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The Mouse Click Hot Codes

These codes are used to mimic a mouse click or mouse drag on the target document.

Code Action Example
To click the left mouse button at the current mouse position <LBUTTON> will left click the mouse at its current position.
To click the left mouse button at the position of coordinate (x, y) relative to the upper left corner of the screen. <LBUTTON:100,50> will left click the mouse at the position (100, 50) relative to the upper left corner of the screen.
To click the right mouse button at the current mouse position <RBUTTON> will right click the mouse at its current position.
To click the right mouse button at the position of coordinate (x, y) relative to the upper left corner of the screen. <RBUTTON:100,50> will right click the mouse at the position (100, 50) relative to the upper left corner of the screen.
Drag the left mouse button from the current mouse position to the position of coordinate (x, y) relative to the upper left corner of the screen. <LDRAG:|100,50> will drag the left mouse button from the current position to position (100, 50).
Drag the left mouse button from the position of coordinate (x1, y1) to the position of coordinate (x2, y2) point. The positions are relative to the upper left corner of the screen. <LDRAG:200,300|3200,400> will drag the left mouse button from the position (200,300) to position (3200,400).
Drag the right mouse button from the current mouse position to the position of coordinate (x, y) relative to the upper left corner of the screen.  
Drag the right mouse button from the position of coordinate (x1, y1) to the position of coordinate (x2, y2) point. The positions are relative to the upper left corner of the screen.  

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